
Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Resep Kue Kering Bola Bola Vanili Salut Kacang

Bahan untuk Kue Kering Bola Bola Vanili Salut Kacang :

  • 12O gram mentega tawar
  • 7O gram brown sugar*)
  • 3O gram gula pasir
  • 1 kuning telur ayam
  • 1/2 sendok teh vanili bubuk
  • 21O gram tepung terigu, ayak
  • 1 putih telur ayam, kocok lepas
  • 2OO gram kacang mete, sangrai, cincang kasar

Cara Membuat Kue Kering Bola Bola Vanili Salut Kacang :

  • Siapkan loyang datar ukuran 30 x 30 x 3 cm, olesi dengan mentega hingga rata. Sisihkan.
  • Kocok mentega, brown sugar, gula pasir, kuning telur dan vanili hingga lembut dan rata.
  • Masukkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil aduk perlahan hingga tercampur rata.
  • Bagi adonan menjadi 5 bagian. Pulung masing-masing bagian hingga berbentuk panjang diameter 2 cm, potong melintang 11/2 cm.
  • Celupkan dalam putih telur, gulingkan di atas kacang hingga tersalut rata. Atur di atas loyang.
  • Panggang dalam oven panas suhu 14O° C selama 2O menit hingga matang. Angkat.
  • Simpan dalam staples, tutup rapat.
Brown sugar adalah sejenis gula pasir yang telah dibubuhi molases sehingga berwarna cokelat muda

Resep Kue Kering Isi Durian

Bahan Kue Kering Isi Durian:
  • 15O gram mentega tawar
  • 75 gram gula bubuk
  • 2 kuning telur ayam
  • 1 putih telur ayam
Ayak : 
  • 25O gram tepung terigu
  • 2 sendok makan susu bubuk
Isi : masak hingga kental,aduk rata:
  • 25O gram daging buah durian
  • 1OO gram gula paslr
1 kuning telur ayam, kocok lepas

Cara Membuat Kue Kering Isi Durian :
  • Siapkan loyang datar ukuran 30 x 30 x 3 cm, olesi dengan mentega hingga rata. Sisihkan.
  • Kocok mentega, gula dan telur hingga lembut. Masuk-kan sedikit demi sedikit tepung terigu-susu ayak sambil aduk perlahan hingga rata.
  • Tipiskan adonan hingga setebal 3 mm. Potong-potong bulat, diameter 41/2 cm.
  • Ambil 1 potong adonan, letakkan 1 sdt bahan isi dite-ngahnya. Lipatkan dua sisi ke arah tengah hingga mem-bentuk seperti lonceng. Lakukan hingga adonan habis. Atur di atas loyang.
  • Olesi permukaan atas masing-masing kue dengan bahan olesan hingga rata.
  • Panggang dalam oven panas suhu 160° C selama 20 menit hingga matang. Angkat.
  • Simpan dalam staples, tutup rapat.

Resep Membuat Bubur Sum Sum

Bubur sumsum telah lama dikenal luas di indonesia bahkan juga malaysia. Warnanya seperti  sum sum tulang mungkin inilah sebab kenapa di namakan bubur sum sum. Untuk membuat bubur sum sum dengan warna hijau biasanya menggunakan daun suji atau pasta pandan. Bubur sum sum termasuk jajanan tradisional yang masih mudah kita jumpai. Biasanya dihidangkan bersama kuah gula merah dicampur dengan gempol dan candil. Seperti jenis bubur lainnya, bubur sum sum dibuat dari tepung beras.

bubur sumsum

     Dahulu Bubur sum sum dijajakan oleh pedagang keliling, membungkusnya menggunakan mangkuk dari daun pisang Sungguh khas sekali. Bubur merupakan makanan ringan yang baik dikonsumsi untuk siapa saja karena cara membuatnya masih tradisional dan hampir tidak menggunakan bahan kimia. Teksture bubur yang lembut Selain untuk cemilan atau makanan ringan bubur sum sum juga sering dibuat untuk makanan bayi atau juga untuk orang yang sakit. Bubur sum sum cukup mudah dan sederhana untuk dibuat.

Resep Bahan Membuat Bubur Sum Sum :

  • tepung beras 100 gram 
  • daun pandan 3 lembar ( sobek Buat simpul )
  • santan 650 ml( 1 butir kelapa )
  • garam 1/2 sdt

Resep Saus / kuah Bubur Sumsum :

  • air 100 ml 
  • gula merah 200 gram  ( iris halus )
  • daun pandan 2 lembar  ( buat simpul )

Cara Membuat Bubur SumSum Sederhana

   - Membuat Saus / Kuah Bubur : Campurkan air, gula, dan daun pandan jadi satu. rebus hingga mengental, lalu saring. sisihkan
   - Masak sebagian santan dan daun pandan dengan api kecil sambil diaduk sampai mendidih.
   - Selanjutnya Campurkan tepung, garam dan sebagian santan. Tuangkanka campuran tepung ke santan yang mendidih, aduk hingga kental dan bubur matang. dinginkan.
   - Ambil 3 sdm bubur letakan di atas piring kemudian siram dengan saus gula merah. Bubur Sum sum siap dinikmati.

Tips Membuat Bubur Sum Sum :

    Supaya bubur tidak menggumpal, jangan menggunakan terlalu banyak tepung. Aduk tepung secara merata agar tercampur sempurna. Jika ingin bubur sum sum yang lebih gurih, gunakan santan yang lebih kental. Sajikan saat dingin lebih nikmat. Jika ingin membuat bubur sum sum hijau anda bisa tambahkan 200 ml air daun pandan dan suji untuk resep ini.

    Bagaimana anda ingin mencoba resep bubur sumsum ini? Silakan mencoba resep membuat bubur sumsum dirumah. Sajikan untuk keluarga tercinta anda. Selamat mencoba dan terimakasih.

Cara membuat bakso Malang

BAHAN BAKSO :350 gr daging sapi yang segar
50 gr tepung sagu
100 cc air es
1 butir telur
4 siung bawang putih
1/2 sdt merica
3 sdt garam

KUAH:2 liter air
600 gr lutut sapi/tulang sapi
6 siung bawang putih
1/2 sdt merica
2 batang daun bawang, iris
3 sdt garam

PELENGKAP:10 lembar kulit pangsit, goreng
150 gr mi kuning basah
10 tahu goreng, serong, toreh sedikit
Bawang goreng secukupnya
Sambal rebus

  1. Buat bakso: haluskan bawang putih, merica, dan garam. Giling daging hingga halus. Campur dengan tepung sagu, bumbu halus, telur, dan air es. Aduk rata sambil dibanting-banting. Ambil 1/3 adonan untuk isian tahu.
  2. Didihkan air, lalu matikan apinya. Buat bulatan bakso dua macam, satu besar dan satu kecil. Celupkan dalam rebusan air. Lakukan sampai habis.
  3. Masak kembali hingga baksonya mengapung, angkat, tiriskan.
  4. 1/3 adonan bakso masukkan dalam tahu. Kukus sebentar.
  5. Buat kuah: haluskan bawang putih, merica, dan garam. Didihkan air, bumbu, dan tulang, masak hingga mendidih, saring. Taburi daun bawang, angkat.
  6. Siapkan mangkuk, tata mi, bakso, dan tahu. Tuangi dengan kuahnya, taburi daun bawang, dan bawang goreng. Sajikan dengan pangsit goreng dan sambal rebus.

Lemon Butter Cake With Chia Seeds & Pistachio Nuts

This Lunar New Year, I have come up with 2 similar cakes using orange and lemon rinds plus Chia Seeds to enhance the taste of the cakes. And for festive flavour, I also used dried longan (龙眼) which represent "many good son" and pistachio nuts (开心果) which is often given as a gift to symbolize health, happiness and good fortune


The added of pistachio nuts to this cake gives it a savory and nutty taste which blends well with the citrus syrup that moist and enhance the flavour of the cake. And for extra crunch and decorative purpose, you could also scatter a some crashed pistachio nuts on top of the batter before baking.

(Make10 Square Cupckes | Preparation10 minutes | Cooking25 minutes)

250g Unsalted Butter, soften
180g Castor Sugar
Rinds Of 1 Lemon and 1 Orange
4 Eggs (60g each)
280g Cake Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder
50ml Fresh Milk
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
2 Tablespoons Chia Seeds
100g Pistachio Nuts, roughly chopped

Citrus Syrup 
100g Castor Sugar
Juice of 2 Lemon
Rind of 1 Lemon and 1 Orange

1. Using an electric beater, cream butter and sugar till pale and creamy.

2. Beat in egg one at a time till combined. Add in lemon and orange zest together with vanilla extract, beat well.

3. Next fold in sieved flour mixture (cake flour plus baking powder) in 3 batches alternate it with fresh milk.

4. Lastly, stir in chia seeds and pistachio nuts (reserved 1/4 as toppings) till well mixed.

5. Pour mixture into prepared cupcake case or baking tin (2 loaf tin measuring 17cm x 8cm x 6cm), bake in preheat 180°C degree Celsius oven for about 50 minutes (loaf tin) and 25 minutes cupcake cases or when a skewer insert and come out clean.

6. To Make The Citrus Syrup: Place all the ingredients in a heavy duty pan and simmer till sugar dissolved. Turn off the heat and set aside.

7. When the cake is out of the oven, using a toothpick or skewer poke a few holes before drizzling citrus syrup on the cake to enable the cake to absorb the flavour.

~ If you do not have cake flour on hand, you could replace it with all-purpose plain flour (with 280g all-purpose flour, removed 4 level tablespoons from it and replace it with 4 level tablespoons of cornstarch. Sieved the flour mixture at least 5 times to aerate the flours before using it).


Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Rosemary-Strawberry Shortcake Pizza

Rosemary-Strawberry Shortcake Pizza
Makes: 15 servings
Prep 30 mins Bake 400°F 22 mins

  • 1 quart strawberries, halved or quartered (4 cups)
  • 1/4 cup honey or agave nectar
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary or thyme (optional)
  • 4 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
  • 1 3/4 cups whipping cream
  • 1 egg white, lightly beaten
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  •   Sweetened whipped cream
    1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In a large bowl combine strawberries and honey. Let stand, stirring occasionally, while preparing shortcake.
    2. For shortcake, in a food processor combine flour, the 1/4 cup sugar, the rosemary, baking powder, and salt; pulse to mix. (Or whisk together in large bowl.) Add butter to flour mixture; pulse several times. (Or cut in butter with pastry blender or two knives.) While pulsing, add cream, pulsing until dough begins to come together. (Or make a well in center of flour mixture. Pour cream into well. Mix with fork just until dough is evenly moistened.)
    3. Turn out dough onto a lightly floured surface. Knead quickly. Roll dough to 9x13-inch rectangle (1/2-inch thickness). Transfer dough to a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper. With a sharp knife, score dough (cutting not quite through) in 1-1/2-inch squares. Brush dough with egg white; sprinkle with the 2 tablespoons sugar. Bake 22 to 26 minutes or until golden.
    4. Transfer shortcake and parchment to a wooden board or platter. Spoon strawberries onto shortcake. Drizzle with juices. Serve in tumblers or bowls. Top with whipped cream.
    From the Test KitchenGrill Option:
    • On a charcoal grill large enough to accommodate a large skillet placed in the center of the grill rack, arrange medium-hot coals around perimeter of grill (for indirect griliing). Prepare shortcake as directed. After kneading, pat dough into a generously buttered 12-inch cast-iron skillet. Test for medium heat above center of grill. Place skillet in center of grill (not over coals). Cover and grill for 25 to 30 minutes or until set in center. Remove from grill; let stand for 10 minutes. Cut into wedges. Serve with strawberries and whipped cream.
    Nutrition Facts (Rosemary-Strawberry Shortcake Pizza) 

    • Servings Per Recipe 15,
    • cal. (kcal) 347,
    • Fat, total (g) 23,
    • chol. (mg) 77,
    • sat. fat (g) 14,
    • carb. (g) 33,
    • Monosaturated fat (g) 6,
    • Polyunsaturated fat (g) 1,
    • fiber (g) 1,
    • sugar (g) 12,
    • pro. (g) 4,
    • vit. A (IU) 826,
    • vit. C (mg) 21,
    • Thiamin (mg) 0,
    • Riboflavin (mg) 0,
    • Niacin (mg) 2,
    • Pyridoxine (Vit. B6) (mg) 0,
    • Folate (µg) 56,
    • Cobalamin (Vit. B12) (µg) 0,
    • sodium (mg) 285,
    • Potassium (mg) 126,
    • calcium (mg) 121,
    • iron (mg) 1,
    • Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Gooey Chocolate Pudding Cakes

Gooey Chocolate Pudding Cakes

Makes: 6 servings
Prep 20 mins Bake 350°F 20 mins
Loved It? Ingredients
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 cup chocolate-hazelnut spread (Nutella)
  • 1/3 cup semisweet chocolate pieces
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup boiling water
  • Coffee-flavored or vanilla ice cream (optional)
  • Sliced strawberries (optional)
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a medium bowl combine flour, the 1/4 cup sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add milk, oil, and vanilla. Whisk until smooth. Stir in chocolate-hazelnut spread and chocolate pieces.
2. Divide batter evenly among six 5- to 8-oz. oven-safe bowls or ramekins. Place in a 15 x 10 x 1-inch baking pan. Set aside. In the same bowl for the batter, stir together 1/2 cup sugar and cocoa. Gradually stir in boiling water. Pour evenly over batter in dishes.
3. Bake, uncovered, for 20 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted into cake portion comes out clean. Serve warm with ice cream and strawberries. Sprinkle with additional cocoa powder.
Nutrition Facts (Gooey Chocolate Pudding Cakes)
  • Servings Per Recipe 6,
  • cal. (kcal) 272,
  • Fat, total (g) 9,
  • chol. (mg) 1,
  • sat. fat (g) 2,
  • carb. (g) 49,
  • Monosaturated fat (g) 2,
  • Polyunsaturated fat (g) 2,
  • fiber (g) 2,
  • sugar (g) 31,
  • pro. (g) 3,
  • vit. A (IU) 49,
  • vit. C (mg) 21,
  • Thiamin (mg) 0,
  • Riboflavin (mg) 0,
  • Niacin (mg) 1,
  • Pyridoxine (Vit. B6) (mg) 0,
  • Folate (µg) 24,
  • Cobalamin (Vit. B12) (µg) 0,
  • sodium (mg) 178,
  • Potassium (mg) 161,
  • calcium (mg) 61,
  • iron (mg) 1,
  • Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Grilled Fish (Ikan Bakar)


Grilled Fish or Ikan Bakar is very popular in Indonesia, especially in Sulawesi and Maluku where most of the people work as the seaman/fisherman. Both areas have a very huge sea which brings them different kind of seafood. Here's a simple recipe how to make a delicious grilled fish.

Category: Seafood
Difficulty: Medium
Cooking time: 45 - 60 minutes


- 1 whole fish, cleaned
- 1 tablespoon lime juice
- 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
- 25 g margarine

For marinate the fish
- 3 Candlenuts (Kemiri)
- 3 shallots
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
- 1 teaspoon coriander
- salt to taste
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

1. Clean the fish and make cutlets around it. Pour the lime juice over it to reduce the fishy smell.
2. Blend or grind all marinate ingredients. Then use it to marinate the fish. Set aside for at least 1 hour.
3. When the marinate is absorb enough, grill the fish and brush it with marinate leftover.
4. When the fish is about to be ready, brush with sweet soy sauce (kecap manis) and margarine. Continue grilling until it's cooked.
5 Serve with warm plain rice (nasi putih), cucumber, and sambal badjak orsambal terasi
Tips: you can grill the fish by wrapping it with Banana leaf (daun Pisang) so that the skin won't be stick into the grill appliances.

Grilled Fish with Sambal Dabu-dabu (Ikan Bakar Sambal Dabu-dabu)


Grilled fish or Ikan bakar is very popular in Indonesia, especially in Sulawesi and Maluku where most of the people work as the seaman/fisherman. Ikan bakar sambal dabu-dabu is a speciality from Gorontalo (Nothern Sulawesi), which is grilled fish served with special chillies salad called 'sambal dabu-dabu'

Category: Seafood
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 120 minutes


-  1 medium fish (you can use any fish like seabass or ikan kakap, indian mackarel or ikan tude, Silver/White Pomfrets or ikan Bawal)

For Marinate
* 1st marinate  :

- 3 tablespoons lime juice

- 1 teaspoon salt

** 2nd marinate :

- 4 garlics

- 4 candlenuts, pan-broil

- 2 teaspoons turmeric

- 1/2 cube chicken bouillon

- 1/2 teaspoon popper powder

- salt to taste

- 2 tablespoons olive oil

For sambal dabu-dabu (chillies salad)

- 2 big red chillies

- 3 or more small chillies (cabe rawit)

- 4-5 small tomatoes

- 3 shallots

- lime juice

- pinch of salt

- 4 leafs fresh lime basil (daun kemangi) - optional;


1. Marinate the fish with 1st marinate. Leave it for 30 minutes.

2. After 30 minutes, clean the fish with water so it won't be too sour.

3. Blend all the ingredients to make paste, then marinate the fish with it. Leave the fish for 1 hour or so ... the more the better.

4. Grill the fish in the oven or charcoal.

5. For sambal dabu: thinly cut the chillies, shallots, and tomatoes thinny. Put them in a bowl, then add salt, lime juice and olive oil.

6. Serving suggestion : pour the sambal dabu over the grilled fish, and serve with steamed rice.

Yellow Spicy Fish (Ikan Rica-rica)


Yellow Spicy Fish (Ikan Rica-rica) is the speciality from Manado, North Sulawesi. It's a dish made from fish (basically you can use any kind of fish) with some ingredients. The taste I called it 'nano-nano' means it has spicy, salty, sweet, yet also fresh because of lemongrass. I like it a lot, especially if it's really spicy. Remind me of my auntie back home when she always cooks this dish when they had some celebration with people from her church (even though she is a Javanese, yet she has a lot of friends from Manado). Usually they have it together with cooked cassava leafs. Very delicious! Here's the recipe.

Category: Seafood
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 30 minutes


- 1/2 kg fish fillet or 1 canned of tuna
- 1 small tomato
- 2 fresh Kaffir Lime leaves (daun Jeruk Purut)
- 1 stalk of spring onion, chopped
- 1 stalk of Lemongrass (Sereh/Serai), take only the white part
- 2 fresh lemon basil leaves (optional)
- 50 ml water

Spice Paste
- 4 shallots
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 red chillies - the more the better! (But if you don't like it spicy you can substitute with paprika powder)
- 1/2 cm ginger
- 1/2 cm of fresh turmeric or 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- A pinch of salt to taste (or you can use 1/2 block beef seasoning mixture)
- A pinch of sugar

1. Blend or grind the spice paste
2. Heat the oil, and then fry the fish. Set aside.
3. Sauté the spice paste with leftover oil, together with lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, basil leaves and spring onion.
4. Then add the water, salt (or seasoning mixture) and sugar.
5. When the spices already mix well, put the fish inside. Leave it cook for 10 minutes and do not stir it too much because it would make the fish falling apart.
6. Serve with warm plain rice (nasi putih).
Tips: You can have the fish without frying it first if you want to have a low-fat dish.
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